Plein Air Paint Out 2024

Paint the Town: A one day En Plein Air Paint Out for 2024

We are doing it a little differently this year! Because the plein air show has morphed into a group show that includes studio work, we wanted to carry on our plein air tradition for the ninth straight year. So we compressed it into one day!

Here are the details:

●  The En Plein Air Paint Out will be held on Saturday, September 14th with a rain date on Sunday, September 15. If we must postpone, it will be posted on here and Facebook.

●  There is no pre-registration. All registration will be at the event. The fee is $10. We will have a limited amount of blank canvases available at cost, but artists should provide their own materials.

●  We will meet at the museum from 9 am-10 am for stamping and coffee and donuts provided by the museum..

●  At 10 am we will disperse-on foot- to “paint the town. If an artist has special needs to drive to their site, this can be accommodated, but all subject matter should be within walking distance of the museum.

●  Artists may use any 2D medium: oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, charcoal, etc. The maximum size is 16”. Smaller is recommended.

●  We will gather back at the museum by 1 pm with our finished works. Bring a lunch or buy lunch during the painting hours.

●  We will then hang our own paintings in a tent set up at the Dutot for judging and sales. The artists and museum-goers will vote for their favorite paintings and a number of gift certificates will be awarded at 5 pm. The work will hang and be voted on while the museum is open.

●  All work must be priced at $150 and below. Work need not be framed. The Dutot will take a special reduced 20% commission on all sales.

●  All unsold work must be picked up at 5 pm. Buyers may take their purchases when they buy.

●  Have fun! Meet new friends! See old friends! See the town!

9 am -10 am

Meet at the Dutot to get canvases stamped, and have coffee and donuts

10 am – 1 pm

Painting and lunch

1 pm – 5 pm

Sales and voting for awards

5 pm

Pick up of unsold work

For questions email Will Rothfuss at Please join us and tell your friends!!