In the Gallery

Gallery Talk: Rita Baragona

Join us at 3pm on August 25th in the gallery for a talk by artist Rita Baragona

Rita will talk about her floral and ocean paintings, including her  sketchbook drawings. While viewing individual works, she will discuss her painting process as a moment to moment conversation with nature, as well as her use of color and rhythm to describe form and energy. For her color and rhythm are the main visual elements which describe nature’s deep design.

In her career she has searched for aesthetic order in art which runs parallel to scientific and philosophical ideas. Part of her process is to ask questions like: “What do I really see, when I know all is in flux?” In this show she wonders, “Where does rhythmic order and felt color meet appearance?” She explores them as she paints directly from nature.

In her sketchbook pages she jots down notes which come to her while drawing. For her, beauty is found in repetitive rhythmic, spacial, and color harmonies. She says, “I paint for those personal ‘ah-ha’ moments when the painting comes alive with light and color. Being conscious of impermanence, heightens my awareness of an inner timeless beauty hidden beneath apparent solidity.”