Sights and Scenes along the Delaware: a group show

Sights and Scenes along the Delaware: a group show

This show replaces expands on our very popular plein air event of the last 8 years.

Open to all artists living within 50 miles of the Dutot museum.

A juried group show of plein air and studio paintings and drawings of townscapes of the borough of DWG, landscapes of the surrounding DWG Recreation Area, and portraits and depictions of the local jazz scene which is centered on COTA and the Deer Head Inn.

$25 to enter 2-3 paintings ( depending on available space). $1250 in prizes. 25% commission on all sales.

Entry is not juried, but paintings must fit in one of the three categories:

  1. Architecture or gardens in the borough of the Delaware Water Gap.
  2. Landscape depicting the surrounding area including the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area and Cherry Valley.
  3. Portraits or paintings of jazz musicians or the local jazz scene.

The committee reserves the right to reject any submissions that do not fit into one of these three categories.

Download the full prospectus and entry form below:

Sights and Scenes along the Delaware prospectus